Nice that you're here. I'm Diana and I've been teaching yoga and meditation for more than 9 years. Both flowing Vinyasa lessons and strengthening Hatha courses and for relaxation, the regenerating Yin Yoga should not be missing.
"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
Henri JM Nouwen
My name is Diana Whang and I am 51 years old. My husband and my son also belong to me and we moved from Cologne to five years ago.Diez near Limburg ad Lahn drawn.
A burnout had brought me to my knees 15 years ago and my doctor recommended that I try yoga and it worked! Yoga allowed me to find my way back to myself and became my oasis in the hectic everyday life. In 2013 I started my first yoga training in Cologne and many other trainings followed. This millennia-old Indian teaching has captivated me incredibly and hasn't let go ever since. The yoga world is so diverse and multifaceted and you never stop learning.
Yoga helps me to find my inner center in challenging situations. The mind clears and attention is focused on the here and now. Yoga also gives me strength and joy! The day-to-day madness of a working mom, wife, and yoga teacher requires a lot of balance. That's why I always look forward to my mat and the moment when the class begins and when it ends in Savasana. My curiosity and the eternal student in me are always ready for further development, e.g. B. by attending yoga conferences, training courses, workshops and retreats. As a result, my teaching style is constantly evolving and gives me the opportunity to draw from the wonderful variety of yoga.
Ich unterrichte hauptsächlich Vinyasa Yoga, ein fließender Yogastil, der die Bewegung mit der Atmung verbindet. Vielleicht kennst du schon den Sonnengruß - er ist einer der bekanntesten Vinyasa-Flows. Die Übungsreihen leben vom beständigen Wechsel in Dehnungs- und Kräftigungspositionen und wirken stärkend und stabilisierend und zugleich auch beruhigend für den Geist und die Gedanken.